As you may already know, I have been consciously attuning to the cycles of Nature for many years. I find this keeps me feeling connected with the world in which I live, and keeps me tethered to myself, to the world around me, and to the constant cyclical evolution of life.
Actively following and working with the cycles of the Moon is one of the most rewarding ways I've found to do this. It's proven so profound and so expansive that I started my monthly Moon Meets group to share this process with other folks, as well.
Of course, you are welcome to join in on the Moon Meets yourself, if that feels resonant for you. Exploring this kind of intimate personal cosmic relationship can be deepened and enriched by the support of a group experience. However, not everyone wants to (or needs to) embark on these kinds of transformative experiences with others. There are many people who find they are better able to access their intuition, focus and vulnerability when they are alone in the safety of their own sacred space.
It is for these people—and I am often one of them—that I am writing this post. My intention is to provide a loose structure for how you might embark on your own exploration of working with the cycles of the Moon to bring more clarity, more agency, more authenticity and more connection into your own life. Sound good? Here we go ...
So, first let's go over some basic information about the Moon and Her cycles. The Moon is a luminary. Like the Sun, She sheds light in the sky, and is a celestial body, but she's not technically a planet. However, because of Her unmistakable physical and energetic effect on us humans, She is given the same importance in the astrological lexicon.
It takes roughly 28 days for the Moon to make one full revolution around the Earth. During this cycle, She goes through each astrological sign of the zodiac, spending usually 2-3 days per sign. Each revolutionary cycle is also broken down into 8 distinct phases. The infographic below gives a description of each.