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Every year around this time the buzz begins … the Lionsgate Portal is opening! Excitement builds! Desires swell! The air fills with antici ………. pation!

The Lionsgate Portal occurs each year from 28 July to 12 August when the fixed star, Sirius, begins to rise alongside the Sun in the sky. The peak of the portal is said to occur on 08 August. This date marks the halfway point of Leo season, and holds the numerologically auspicious shorthand of 8/8. At this time, The Sun, Sirius, Orion and Earth come into complete alignment with one another. 

Sirius, called the Dog Star by ancient Greeks and Romans, is the brightest star in the cosmos, excepting the Sun.  It is often referred to as the spiritual sun. Where the Sun illuminates and gives life to our physical lives, Sirius is said to illuminate and give life to our spiritual lives. 

As it teams up with the Sun, during this portal, it is thought to take on the fiery nature of both Jupiter and Mars. (The Sun is in the third Fire planet of Leo.) This adds an expansive and abundant (Jupiter) and active and initiating (Mars) flavor to Leo’s creative fire making it a ripe stage for us wee humans make some manifestational leaps. 

This is why so many people get excited about this portal. 

It’s a thing: Manifestation attempts are given extra cosmic support at this time. But there’s a caveat! The manifestations being called in really need to be aligned with one’s spiritual journey in order to achieve best results. Doesn’t mean you won’t be able to call in a sexy plaything for your Summer vacation, but if that’s not something that is supportive of your spiritual mission, you might find that it comes with some unexpected and unwanted consequences. 

The old adage “be careful what you wish for” is applicable here. 

For myself and my clients, I look to Sirius as an indicator and initiator of personal development and growth. (Of course, this makes sense as I have natal Sirius in a square to my Sun!) I invite the calling in of more clarity, intuition, and understanding around our desires. Knowing WHY we want something can often make it easier to realize IRL.

Once you’ve taken some time to thoughtfully reflect on what it is you’d like to manifest in your life, how can you start the process of calling it in during this Lionsgate Portal? I’ve got you covered! Following are some helpful tools for strengthening your manifestation muscles. Choose the ones that feel exciting for you, and give them a go! Then, get ready for some magick to come your way!

Lionsgate Portal


Subliminals - Subliminals are audio tracks featuring specific words or phrases that play below conscious perception. They are accompanied by audible tracks of relaxing music or ASMR soundscapes. Listening to your track regularly can reprogram your thought patterns, deconstruct your limiting conditioned beliefs and open you up for a more fulfilling and aligned life experience. Basically, this a way to help you reprogram any old thought patterns that might be blocking your ability to receive your desired outcome(s).

Bach Flower Therapy - This subtle form of vibrational medicine addressed imbalances and misalignments in our psycho-emotional states. Developed by British physician and immunologist, Dr. Edward Bach, it utilizes the essence of particular plants in order to shift the vibrational resonance of our psycho-emotional experiences. It sounds very “out there”, but it works a dream! (Read more about it HERE.)

Setting The Scene (Writing) - Specificity and repetition are incredibly helpful when trying to manifest anything into being. One way to do this is by setting the scene of what you want in a way that allows you to understand it and experience it regularly. If writing is your jam—hello my tribesperson!—you can write out that scene for yourself. Whether you do this digitally or with pen and paper is inconsequential. The point is to get as detailed as you can and set the scene to the point that you feel as if you are in it. Then you can read this little story every day to keep it fresh in your mind. The repetition will help you start attuning your mental processes to this desired experience. 

Setting The Scene (Visualising) - Maybe writing is not your jam? Maybe you prefer to actually see things with your own eyes? No problem! There are many ways to set your scene visually. You can paint or draw it. You can cut out images collage-style and make a vision board. You can go digital and create a Pinterest board with lots of detailed pins about your desired experience. However you do it, remember to make it as specific as you need to in order for it to evoke the emotional experience of actually being in it. Then look at it regularly so it can work its magick.

Setting The Scene (Imagining) - Okay, maybe you’re the dreamy Piscean type who just likes to imagine a better world for yourself? That’s beautiful! Forget those written and visual interpretations of what you want! Set the scene in your imagination! This is basically like a mash-up between daydreaming and self-guided meditation. You go somewhere you won’t be easily interrupted or distracted. Then get comfortable and let you mind begin to imagine everything you want. Set the scene in your mind’s eye. Again, get detailed enough that you feel the feeling of being there. Spend however long you want in your imagined scene, and revisit it often to help enforce those new neural imprints. 

Mirror Talk - Sometimes I find this simple exercise to be incredibly powerful and effective. Stand in front of a mirror. Look at yourself with all the attention and respect that you gives other important people in your life. Then begin to tell yourself what you want, and why you want it. Notice what feelings come up. Notice how your body responds to the things you say. Take it all in. Often you can get valuable information on what might be holding you back from getting what you want.

Internal Family Systems Therapy - This is a style of parts therapy that can help you to understand why parts of yourself might actually be sabotaging your efforts at manifestation. Through engaging with these parts you can gain an understanding of why they’re doing what they’re doing with the goal of helping them find a new way to support your evolution. This is best experienced with the guidance of a trained IFS counselor.

Shadowcraft - This is a broad term that can encompass a wide variety of practices and tools (including everything listed above!) to help you recognize, process and integrate your misalignments. You can do this yourself, but it’s often easier, quicker, and more effective if you work with a seasoned guide.


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