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Cancer New Moon: Joyful Gluttony

The Moon enters its New phase at 14° Cancer on Friday, 05 July, at 6:57p EDT. The Sabian Symbol for this lunation is A group of people who have overeaten and enjoyed it. 

This symbol conjures images of large meals shared around a familial table and all the joy and chaos that comes with those kinds of gatherings. There is a little overindulgence, and there will surely be some unpleasant consequences for it, but they will be short-lived. The joy of the connections and memories made in the process are worth the fleeting discomfort.

Cancer New Moon: Joyful Gluttony

Cancer carries the energy of nurturing, protection and feeling. It is the cosmic Mother energy. It rules over family, home and hearth, ancestral lines, and our connections with the past. Being ruled by The Moon, Cancer is sensitive, tidal/rhythmic, and intuitive. In its lower expression, it can be crabby, smothery, and so sensitive that it hides from the world outside. 

On the whole, however, this looks to be a comforting and soothing New Moon, so you are invited to succumb to the care and nurturing it’s offering. 

A conjunction with Venus, also in Cancer, brings an extra dose of love to be spread among those you call family. Tend your family ties. Nurture your immediate and your extended family members. And shower your framily (those friends close enough to be considered family) with a little extra love, too. These are the very relationships that need to be reminded of how important they are, as they are the ones most often taken for granted. 

You may also feel an urge to level up under this lunation. The Sun and Moon in Cancer squaring the lunar nodes in Aries indicates a call to push through whatever’s been holding you back in order to evolve fully into the next version of yourself. You’re being invited to get yourself a little closer to your destiny at this Cancer New Moon. Ride that wave to a more aligned expression of identity. 

While you are upgrading, it can be extremely helpful to establish and uphold boundaries—either creating new ones, or enforcing old ones. A trine with Saturn in PIsces will provide an additional boost of cosmic support as you navigate these waters. 

As is often true of family interactions, Chiron in Aries tightly squaring Venus in Cancer indicates the possibility of feeling your pain points being triggered. This is a great opportunity to let those painful moments teach you something new about how to balm those wounds so as not to let them destroy those family bonds. 

Mercury in Leo opposing Pluto in Aquarius can bring up new opportunities for talking about the transformation of power inequality in the world. This could show up as loud arguments, or as brave and generous conversations in which each member both respects and feels respected by all involved. Take a moment to check in with your feelings if you find yourself in such a situation. Remember that sometimes it’s helpful to plug into your heart before you speak, and that compassion can go a long way toward brokering peace and understanding.

Now is the time to feel your feelings. It’s a time to tend the loving bonds you share with those you call family, while setting (or reinforcing) the necessary boundaries to ensure you are protecting your own energetic reserves in those relationships. When triggers arise, take a moment to feel your feelings and to check in with your compassion meter before reacting. Some self-care would likely go a long way to support recovery from the feast of feelings. 


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