Hello beautiful creatures! So, here in the Southern United States, we're finally starting to see the sun again. It's beginning to warm up outside and the produce stands are already showing hints of the bounty to come. In the spirit of celebrating the return of the sun (after So Much Rain!), I am sharing one of my favorite warm weather recipes with you here on the blog. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Like most of the meals I eat, this dish is simple, flavorful, and the kind of fuel that our bodies can recognize and use to the fullest. Bon Appetit!

Tomango Gazpacho
1 large or 2 small mangoes (any variety will do so long as it's ripe!)
1-1/2 - 2 Roma tomatoes
1/2 jalapeño pepper, seeded (or more if you like things spicy!)
1 medium cucumber, peeled
Peel the mangoes and cut the flesh away from the pit. Add the flesh to your Vitamix (or other high speed blender). Quarter the tomatoes and cucumbers and add them to the blender. Toss in the jalapeños, too. Blend until puréed. Pour into a bowl, and slurp away happily as you ride the waves of vibrant, delicious flavorful bliss!